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Conferences and other events

The European Commission has held two conferences on company taxation.

EU Corporate Tax Reform: Progress and New Challenges

Progress and New Challenges: European Conference on Company Taxation, Rome 5-6 December 2003.
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Towards an Internal Market without corporate tax obstacles

"Towards an Internal Market without tax obstacles - A strategy for providing companies with a consolidated corporate tax base for their EU-wide activities" - Brussels, 29 and 30 April 2002
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Other Events

This page provides links to seminars, conferences, papers etc. which are not organised or provided for by the Commission.

Organisations are invited to notify the Commission about their event at the following e-mail address: taxud-company-taxation@cec.eu.int

The Commission will put a link on this page if they feel the event is suitable for inclusion.

  • European Commission sponsored study: Corporation tax and innovation - Issue at stake and review of European Union Experience in the Nineties (2001)
  • EurActiv: EU Tax Coordination
  • European Parliament publishes Working Paper: Taxation in Europe - recent developments
  • Confédération Fiscale Européenne (C.F.E.)
  • Fédération des Experts Comptables Européens (F.E.E.)